It is 4 and 13/1000 as a mixed number
Either 400.006 or 0.406, depending on how you meant it.
Eighteen thousandths.
The English spelling of the numeral 1000 is "one thousand."
450.009 = four hundred fifty and nine thousandths.
The numeral 1.004 is written out as "one and four one-thousandths."
It is 4 and 13/1000 as a mixed number
Six hundred ninety-four ten thousandths can not be written as a numeral, but it can be written as the decimal 0.0694.
The numeral is 6.00409 (the decimal value is 409 hundred-thousandths).
Either 400.006 or 0.406, depending on how you meant it.
The numeral 9.448 is "nine and four-hundred-forty-eight thousandths" but in actual practice might be spoken as "nine point four four eight."
Eighteen thousandths.
The English spelling of the numeral 1000 is "one thousand."