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Q: What is function and give an example?
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How do you you rewrite a rule as a function?

You need to give an example of the rule and the function you want.

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No, because there is no such thing.

Give na example whic isnot exponential function?

f(x) = 2x it is linear function

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One of the functions of religion is to give people spiritual guicence.

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The basic function of a report is to summarize something. Reports give an idea of what has been done or needs to be done for example.

Can you give me an example of syntactic in a sentence?

Semantically, they are just syntactic sugar for a normal function definition.

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Give an example of a relation that is NOT a function and explain why it is not a function?

y² = x --> y = ±√x Because there are *two* square roots for any positive number (positive and negative) this will not be a function.

What are function and relation?

A function is an equation that gives a unique answer. A relation does not. Example: y = 3x + 1 is a function. If I give you x, you can determine y. And that y is unique to that x. So if x = 1, you know y = 4. No other of x gives y = 4 as an answer. So y = 3x + 1 is a function. Example: y = 4x2. So if I give you x = 1, y = 4. But y = 4 if I also give you x = -1. So y = 4x2 is not a function, it is a relation.

What are three main function of the nervous system and give an example of each.?

Sensory function: Detecting and responding to stimuli from the environment. Example: Feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin. Integration function: Processing and interpreting sensory information. Example: Deciding to pull your hand away from something hot. Motor function: Initiating a response to the sensory input. Example: Moving your hand away from the hot object.

Give the importance of electrolytes in the body and give example?

Electrolytes help regulate nerve and muscle function, maintain acid-base balance, and control fluid balance in the body. An example of an electrolyte is sodium, which is essential for nerve function, muscle contraction, and maintaining fluid balance in the body.

Give example of sentences using prepositional phrases which function as adjectives?

The book on the table is mine. The house with the red door is for sale. The girl in the blue dress won the contest. The man from New York is visiting next week.