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Q: What is greater three fourths or seven eighths?
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Is seven eighths greater than three fourths?


Is one fourths or three eighths greater?

Three eighths is bigger.

What is 2 and one fourth 4 and three eighths three fourths?

It is seven and three eighths

Seven eighths divided by three fourths?

seven sixths

What is seven eighths divided by three?

seven twenty-fourths

Express the fractions three fourths seven sixteenths and five eighths with the LCD?

Three fourths, two fourths, three fourths.

What is three and three fourths minus one and seven eighths?


What is one and five eighths minus seven eights?

Six eighths, or three fourths.

Is three fourths less than seven eighths?


Is three force equivalent to seven eights?

If you mean three fourths then it is not equivalent to seven eighths

Is three fourths greater than two eights?

Yes. Three fourths is three times the size of two eighths.

What is the answer to two and three fourths multiplied by four and seven eighths?
