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75 is 1/2 of the number 140.

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Q: What is half of140?
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10% of 140 is 14.

How would you explain that 7 is a factor of140?

7 divides evenly into 140 with no remainder.

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Half of a half of a half of a half of a half is 1/32.

What is half of half of half of a half?

Half of half of half of one half is one sixteenth (0.0625).

What does 1 8Th in math mean?

It is one out of eight parts. It is a half of a half of a half. It is one out of eight parts. It is a half of a half of a half. It is one out of eight parts. It is a half of a half of a half. It is one out of eight parts. It is a half of a half of a half.

What is half of a half of a half of a half of a half?


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One and seven-eigths.

What is the half of a half?

Half of a half is one quarter.

What are the half man half creatures?

Centaurs were half man and half horse. Minotaurs were half man and half bull. Satyrs were half man and half goat.