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3 and 2 thirds

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Q: What is half of seven and one third?
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Hint: four-fifths of "seven" is "even". Now how is one-third of one-half "el"?

How do you change one third into a half?

One third multiplied by one and a half equals a half.

What is a pound and a half but you only need one- third of it?

If you are asking what is one-third of a pound and a half, the answer is one-half pound.

Is you half bigger than one third?

Yes, half is bigger than one third.

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One and seven-eigths.

What is half of one third-1 over 3?

One fourth is not the answer. 1/4 is half of half. I am looking for half of a third. I think it's one-fourth.

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Is one half equivalant to one third?

No. One half = 1/2 and one third = 1/3 For example, one half of six is 3 (one out of every two) while one third of six is 2 (one out of every three).

Which fraction manipulative covers one half of one third?

One-half of one-third is one-sixth. Using fraction manipulatives would be one way to visually verify that a one-sixth piece would cover half of a one-third piece.

What fraction manipulative covers one half of one third?

One-half of one-third is one-sixth. Using fraction manipulatives would be one way to visually verify that a one-sixth piece would cover half of a one-third piece.

Is one third equal to one half?


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