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max. 6 electrons can be accommodated

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Q: What is he maximum number of electrons in the n equals 3 and l equals 1 level?
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An energy level of n equals 4 can hold how many electrons?

An energy level of n=4 can hold up to a maximum of 32 electrons. The maximum number of electrons that can occupy a specific energy level is given by 2n^2, where n is the principal quantum number.

When the maximum number of electrons is an energy level it is said to be what level?

The electrons on the outermost level are called Valence electrons. the usual maximum is 8.

Do noble gasses have the maximum number of electrons in their outer energy level?

yes.they have the maximum number of electrons in their outer energy level?

What is the maximum number of electrons in second electron level?

The maximum number of electrons in the second electron level is 8. The second electron level, also known as the L shell, has a maximum capacity of 8 electrons before it is full.

What is the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in the principal energy level n4?

The maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in the fourth principal energy level (n=4) is 32. This is because the formula 2n^2 gives the maximum number of electrons that can occupy a particular energy level. So, for n=4, the maximum number of electrons is 2 * 4^2 = 32.

How many electrons can have the quantum number n equals 7 in an atom?

In an atom, the maximum number of electrons that can have the quantum number n=7 is 2*(7)^2 = 98 electrons. This is based on the formula 2n^2, which represents the maximum number of electrons that can occupy a given energy level in an atom.

What is the maximum number for electrons an the fourth level?

The maximum number of electrons in the fourth energy level is 32. This level can hold up to 32 electrons distributed among its various sublevels (s, p, d, and f).

What is the maximum number of electrons in the main energy level four?

32 electrons

What is the maximum number of electrons the second energy level can hold?

8 electrons

Maximum number of electrons in each energy level?

The maximum number of electrons in each energy level is determined by the formula 2n^2, where n represents the energy level (shell). For example, the first energy level (n=1) can hold a maximum of 2 electrons, the second energy level (n=2) can hold a maximum of 8 electrons, and so on.

How many electrons in level 3?

In level 3, there can be a maximum of 18 electrons. This level can hold a total of 2n^2 electrons, where n is the principal quantum number.

What is the maxium number of electrons an element can have on the first inner level?

The maximum number of electrons that can be found in the first energy level (or inner level) of an element is 2 electrons. This is because the first energy level only has one subshell, which can accommodate a maximum of 2 electrons.