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Q: What is he radical of 4 times the radical of 7?
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The square root of 28 or in this case the radical form of 28 will be 2 times radical 7. Since 28 is 4 times 7 and the square root of 4 is two.

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12 times the square root of 7.

Radical 7 times -1?

It is -sqrt(7).

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4√3 + 7√3 = (4 + 7)(√3) = 11√3

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4 times radical 34

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2√20 - 3√7 - 2√5 + 4√63 = 2√(4 x 5) - 3√7 - 2√5 + 4√(9 x 7) = 4√5 - 2√5 - 3√7 + 12√7 = 2√5 + 9√7

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That is the simplest radical form of the actual fraction, 7/4 ===

What is product of 7 radical 2 x minus 2 radical 3 x?

4 x2

What is the factor of radical 18?

The concept of a factor makes proper sense only in the context of integers. Otherwise, any non-zero number can be factor of any other number. For example, radical 7 is a factor of radical 18 since radical(180) = radical(7) * radical (18/7)

What is radical 3 times 4 radical 2 plus radical 3?

First, note that radical 4 is 2. So 3xradical 4 is just 6, Now we have 6+2 radical 3. You can't do much with this except factor out a 2 if you want 2(3+Radical 3)