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Q: What is height of a solid with volume of 120 m3 and base are of 30 m2?
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What is the height of a solid with a volume of 120 m3 and a base area of 30 m3?


What is the height of a solid with a volume of 120 m3 and base area of 30 m2?


What is the height of a solid with a volume of 120m cubed and a base area of 30m squared?

4m because V=BxHso H =120/30=4

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The volume of the 3-D solid is 120 cubic units, assuming that the 3-D solid is in the form of a cuboid (brick-shaped). The volume of a cuboid is the product of its length, width, and height.

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volume = base * height * width 5*4*6 = 120

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The area would be 120 inches but you need a height to get the volume The area would be 120 inches but you need a height to get the volume

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Volume = b * w * hVolume = (b * w) * h120m2 = 30m * x30 304m = x

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The area of triangle is : 60.0

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What is the height of a solid that is 120m and a base area of 30m?

The question is so garbled that it is impossible to answer. What does 120 m refer to? A base area cannot be 30 m - area is measured in square units not linear units.