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4m because V=BxH
so H =120/30=4

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Q: What is the height of a solid with a volume of 120m cubed and a base area of 30m squared?
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Volume of cylindrical solid?

πr2h or the radius squared multiplied by pi multiplied by the vertical height of the cylinder.

What is the label for volume of a solid?

cm cubed

What do you get when you multiply length times width times height to calculate the volume of a what kind of solid?

You get units cubed, or cubic units, for a rectangular prism.

What is volume in math terms?

Width x length x height expressed as a quantity cubed. ---- The volume of a solid body is the amount of space that it occupies and it's units of measure are expressed in lengths cubed. Example 1. The volume of a rectangular box is calculated as follows: V = L x W x H where L = Length; W = Width and H = Height. Example 2. The volume of a cone is calculated as follows: V = ⅓ Pi R (squared) H where "R" is the radius. .

What is the relationship between the units of measurement for the volume of a liquid and of a solid liquid?

well a liquid cannot be a solid but i will interpret the question as this: what is the relationship between the units of measurement for the volume of a liquid and a solid? liquid volume- measured in mL solid volume- measured in cm cubed 1 mL=1cm cubed

What is the volume of a solid that is 4cm height 5 cm length and width 2 cm with an answer cm cubed?

4 x 5 x 2 = 40cm3

How do you find volume of solid?

Length x width x height. Say you have a container with the dimensions 2 in x 2 in x 5 in. 2 x 5 = 10, and 10 x 2 = 20. Its volume is 20 in. to the third, or 20 in3. Area is "to the second," and volume is "to the third." "To the second" also = "squared," while "to the third" also = "cubed."

What is the volume of a solid whose base is 56 inches squared and whose height 6 inches?

A box with a base with area of 56 square inches and a height of 6 inches has a volume of 56 * 6 = 336 cubic inches.

Volume of a book with 10cm width length 2 times the weight and a height that is half the width?

The volume of a solid rectangle is equal to Length x Width x Height. So, 20cm x 10cm x 5cm would be 1000cm cubed.

A regular pyramid with a square base has a volume of 9M squared and an edge measuring 3M. Find the volume of a similar solid that has edge measuring of 4M?

The volume of the similar solid would be 16M squared.

Why is the formula for the cylinder pie times radius squared times h?

There really isn't a "why"; that's just how things are. The volume of any solid with a cross-section that does not vary with height is the area of the base multiplied by the height.

What is a solid's shape and volume?

A solid is a 3 dimensional object having length, width and height. Its volume measured in cubic units is length*width*height