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Q: What is hyper dimensional space?
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What does cm2 square mean?

cm2 square is a measure of hyper volume in 4-dimensional space.

What is the unit 18.54 mm square after i square it?

The units are mm^4 : a measure of hyper volume in 4-dimensional space.

How many gallons feet in 140quarts?

None. Gallons feet are a measure of hyper-volume in 4-dimensional space whereas quarts are measures of mere 3-dimensional volume.

What is measured in cubic liters?

Nothing. A litre is a 3-dimensional measure of volume. A cubic litre would be a measure of hyper-volume in 9-dimensional space. Most people work in terms of three dimensional space and 9-d space is reserved for mathematicians, physicists and sci-fi enthusiasts.

What are 10 dimensional solids?

Hyper cubes, hyper spheres, etc.

What can you find with triple integrals area or volume?

A triple integral will usually give a measure of volume in 4-dimensional hyper-space.

What is the formula to find a square m3?

What is a square m3? If it is a measure of hyper-volume in 6-dimensional space, then presumably the formula is analogous to the formula for volumes in 3d space.

How many cubic liters is a 440 cubic inches dodge motor?

A cubic litre is a measure in 9-dimensional hyper-space. I regret that I have not come across a measure of volume in anything more exotic than 3-dimensional space.

How do you do in volume square?

With great difficulty. A volume is a cubic - or 3-dimensional - measure. So a volume square is a hyper-volume in 6-dimesional space.

How do you calculate if the product dimension was 2cm4 than how much Qty to require to fill the space of 18 feet?

If the product dimension was 2cm4 you are dealing in hyper-volumes in 4-dimensional space. There is no way to convert mere 1-dimensional feet into 4-d measures!

How many times would you have to walk around 7 square acres before you get to a mile?

You could never walk around 7 square acres. An acre is a measure of area in 2-dimensional space. So a square acre is a measure of hyper-voume in 4 dimensional space. Assuming that you are a normal human being, you are limited to 3-dimensional space and walking in 4-d space is not possible.

What is Square metere of a room 6.29mx5.25mx6.40mx4.60m?

What's that, a room in 4-dimensional hyper-space? - To get the square meters of the floor, you only need length x width.