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Well, hypothetical means that something may exist only as a concept or idea. So, if you were asking a question about a time machine, that would be hypothetical, seeing as how time machine do not exist.

Noun1.hypothetical - a hypothetical possibility, circumstance, statement, proposal, situation, etc.; "consider the following, just as a hypothetical"

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Q: What is hypothetical question?
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Yes, it appears to be a hypothetical question as it does not pertain to a specific situation or scenario currently happening.

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This is a question that is based on a hypothetical scenario. This type of question often begins with "What if..." Generally, the scenario is not actively occurring.

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"A question, based on assumptions rather than facts, directed to an expert witness intended to elicit an opinion." This is the definition for a hypothetical question. A hypothetical situation might be a game of pictionary, I don't know.. Well, anyway, an example of a hypothetical question might be: "If you were stuck on an island with nothing to eat, would you eat your arm or leg first?"

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What is an hypothetical question?

A hypothetical question is one that asks about a situation or scenario that is not necessarily true or real, but is being used to explore possibilities or provoke thought. It usually starts with "what if" or "imagine if" and is used to spark creative or critical thinking.

How do you use hypothetical in sentence?

A hypothetical anecdote is used in stories to help illustrate their points. They are short and comical or fascinating situations that usually require the reader to think about something possibly happening. These often include the words "what if."

If you posed a hypothetical answer to a research question but then had a hard time?

It is generally possible extrapolate the answer from the initial predeterminants.

What is the word that mean a hypothetical question about a future event?

The word you're looking for is "speculation."

How can you answer hypothetical questions?

Many times, hypothetical questions can be answered using deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning means using logic, and this can sometimes help you determine the likely outcome for the matter in question.