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i don't know what is the difference between msgbox and inputbox function because i want to know the difference between them but i didn't got answer what is this foolishness stupid '
dim a,b,c a=cint(inputbox("enter value for a")) b=cint(inputbox("enter value for b")) c=cint(inputbox("enter value for c")) if((a>b)and(a>c)) then msgbox "greatest number is a="&a else if ((b>a)and(b>c)) then msgbox "greatest number is b="&b else msgbox "greatest number is c="&c end if end if
Not every relation is a function. But every function is a relation. Function is just a part of relation.
The cubic function.
start, inputbox,inputbox,inputbox,inputbox,inputbox,progresh,display,stop
i don't know what is the difference between msgbox and inputbox function because i want to know the difference between them but i didn't got answer what is this foolishness stupid '
Code isa=inputbox("What's the Password:")if a="Enderkid" thenb=inputbox("Whats your username?")if b ="Enderkid007MCYT" thenc=inputbox("password?")if c="minecraftftw" thenEndelseMsgbox("You failed")
To display information. There is something called a msgbox as well as a inputbox. Msgbox displays information. Inputbox allows the user to input data which has a certain value.
Dim a, b, c As Integer a = InputBox("enter 1st no.") b = InputBox("enter 2nd no.") c = InputBox("enter 3rd no.") If a > b Then If a > c Then MsgBox("A is Greater") Else MsgBox("C is greater") End If Else If b > c Then MsgBox("B is Greater") Else MsgBox("C is Greater") End If End If End Sub
dim a,b,c a=cint(inputbox("enter value for a")) b=cint(inputbox("enter value for b")) c=cint(inputbox("enter value for c")) if((a>b)and(a>c)) then msgbox "greatest number is a="&a else if ((b>a)and(b>c)) then msgbox "greatest number is b="&b else msgbox "greatest number is c="&c end if end if
num = InputBox("Enter a number: ","PROGRAM: Square") sumSquare = CInt(num) * CInt(num) MsgBox("The square of " & num & " = " & sumSquare) ===== *NOTE*: The function CInt() is what we use to convert a text string to become a numeric integer value.
we can use msgbox for display the message and getting input from user like vbyes/no method.. but inputbox only for input.. and for msgbox we can't set the x,y margin.. but in the input box we can set.. we can use inputbox as a variable value taker..............
option explicit Dim vnum1,vnum2,vnum3 vnum1=cint(inputbox("enter the first number")) vnum2=cint(inputbox("enter the second number")) vnum3=cint(inputbox("enter the third number")) if (vnum1>vnum2 AND vnum1>vnum3) then msgbox vnum1 &" is greater" else if (vnum2>vnum1 AND vnum2>vnum3) then msgbox vnum2 &" is greater" else if vnum3>vnum2 AND vnum3>vnum1 then msgbox vnum3 &" is greater" else msgbox "They all equal" end if
many ways to answer such an open ended question, but yes, you simply have to provide the logic and paths to take based on the inputbox strMessage=inputbox("Please type in the magic word") if strMessage="Word" then set wshShell=CreateObject("WScript.shell") wshShell.run "winword.exe" else msgbox "Sorry, wrong word" end if set wshShell=nothing
Depending on what type of form you are using, you will use either: $variable = $_POST['inputname']; or $variable = $_GET['inputname']; Whether you use Post or Get is determined by the form's method.
lol=msgbox("would you like to delete all documents",7,"WARNING") set shell = createobject ("wscript.shell") strtext = inputbox ("Write down your message you like your spambot to say") strtimes = inputbox ("How many times would you like to spam your victim?") strspeed = inputbox ("How fast do you like to spam? (10-1scd etc)") strtimeneed = inputbox ("How many SECONDS do you need to get ready for the spam?") If not isnumeric (strtimes & strspeed & strtimeneed) then msgbox "haha unlucky" wscript.quit End If strtimeneed2 = strtimeneed * 10 do msgbox "You have " & strtimeneed & " 20 seconds befor your documents get deleted sorry bye." wscript.sleep strtimeneed2 shell.sendkeys ("documents getting deleted now" & "{enter}") for i=0 to strtimes shell.sendkeys (strtext & "{enter}") wscript.sleep strspeed Next shell.sendkeys ("spambot deactivated" & "{enter}") wscript.sleep strspeed * strtimes / 10 returnvalue=MsgBox ("Want to spam again with the same info?",36) If returnvalue=6 Then Msgbox "Ok spambot will activate again" End If If returnvalue=7 Then msgbox "spambot is shutting down" wscript.quit End IF loop enter this on notepad and save as a (.vbs) file and have fun