BCD is a decimal number. BCD is one specific way to store decimal numbers in computer memory.
because 9 is a lucky number for bcd..............ha ha ha
check this link for the code:http://www.dnatechindia.com/index.php/Code-Library/8051_ASSEMBLY/12-bit-HEX-to-BCD-Convertor.htmlhttp://www.dnatechindia.com/index.php/Code-Library/8051_ASSEMBLY/8-bit-HEX-to-BCD-convertor.htmlA: The conversion is simple really a group of FOUR bits are usually the best method to simplify a BCD of four bits in hexadecimal. Example 1111 is just written F If it was written in octal the bits will be 3 as 111 or 7. As BCD becomes longer and longer these two methods were used to simplify the code a128 bits in BCD will be 8 zeros and ones or simply FF in octal notation it becomes 277
detects the invalid portion of the bcd number codes (1010-1111)
BCD code isn't valid for these integers , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 i.e if these integers ae converted to binary code they 'd be called wrong BCD
The name BCD doesn't stand for anything according to Bernd Rittinger, BCD Travel Director of Operations.
Well, darling, BCD in BCD Travel stands for "Bismarck Car Dealership." Just kidding! It actually stands for "Bureau of Consular Affairs." So next time you're booking a trip with BCD Travel, just remember it's not about cars or German history, it's all about consular affairs.
explain decimal to BCD encoder
The population of BCD Travel is 13,000.
BCD Travel was created in 2006.
There are many websites where someone can find information on BCD Travel. Some examples of such websites are BCD Travel Direct, BCD Travel In Motion, and Indeed.
A BCD to Gray code converter is a digital circuit that converts Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) input to Gray code output. Gray code is a binary numeral system where two consecutive values differ in only one bit. The converter is often used in digital systems where minimizing errors during digital-to-analog conversions is critical.
explain decimal to BCD encoder
BCD of 862 is 100001100010