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Q: What is involving more than one generation?
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Which generation of computer uses more than one microprocessor?

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Multi-site case study?

Its a study done or involving more than one site, for example, five schools.

What is a physical change involving more than one substance?

Mixing sodium chloride (table salt) and water is a physical change involving more than one substance. The salt dissolves in the water, creating a homogeneous solution. Neither the salt nor the water undergo a chemical change during this process.

Who said Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction?

Ronald Reagan is often attributed with this quote: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."

Where do you get the HM?

There are 8 HMs in each game and different one varying from one generation to another so you'll have to be a bit more specific than that.

Generation start when one of your sibling has a baby?

Yes a generation starts when one of your sibling has a baby because the more children, the longer the generation goes on.

Could someone explain Polyamorous dating?

You want a relationship involving more than one partner. Of course the relationship would first require the consent of every partner, but you must make sure this is what you desire. Is it that you want to LOVE more than one person or do you wish to have sexual relations with more than one person?

Is there more than one Borg episode?

Of course. The Next Generation & Voyager had many Borg focused episodes. Enterprise even had one Borg episode.

What is the word for something that can be perceived by more than one of the senses?

multisensory : adjective . Relating to or involving several bodily senses: multisensory methods of reading instruction.

What problems might there be with using vikings myths as historical?

Well, for one thing, myths are more traditional stories passed down from generation to generation than reliable historic resources, although it is accepted as history.

Mercury obtained the caduseus from?

The caduceus is more identified with Hermes [Greek] a bit more than with Mercury [Roman], though the two gods are the equivalent of each other. There are various myths, all involving serpents and none involving medicine. The relation between the caduceus and medicine is a new one.