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Q: What is it called when money buys less than it used to?
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What is it called when a creditor accepts less money than owed?

A settlement.

Which diagram provides an accurate example of how the government uses open market operations?

the money supply is increased

What is it called when a country sells more than it buys?

I think that it is called Mercantilism

What is it called when the government spends more than it take in?

When a government spends more money in a year than it takes it, it is called a deficit. When it spends less than it takes in, it is called a surplus.

Where can you buy a Smith and Wesson MP15t in WI for less than the msrp?

Try a place that buys in volume

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They are just called greater than< and less than>

What is German money worth?

Germany uses the Euro, which is trading roughly at €1 for $1.12 on March 28, 2016. As for what one euro can buy in Germany in terms of purchasing power, it is somewhat less than a dollar buys in the US.

What is the average salary in Nicaragua?

he steals a lot of money and buys busnisess he gets more than a million per month

Can you use less in a sentence?

Yes, like "I have less money than you."

What does a life settlement broker do?

A Life Settlement broker buys life insurance policies from people who carry them but need immediate money. Their goal is to pay you less than the value of what they think your insurance policy will be when you pass away so they can make a profit.

What does underpaid mean?

you have been paid less than you were meant to be paid!

What is quasi integration?

With quasi-integration, a firm internally produces less than half of its own requirements and buys the rest from outside suppliers.