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There is no particular name for that event. It was decided long ago that since every

parallel of latitude crosses each of the infinite number of meridians, and that every

meridian of longitude crosses each of the infinite number of latitudes, it would be

cruel to expect students, even gifted ones, to learn all of those names.

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Q: What is it called when one line of latitude crosses one line of longitude?
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What named line of longitude crosses Australia?

No "named" line of longitude crosses Australia. The Tropic of Capricorn (latitude) crosses Australia.

What name of lines of longitude?

No "named" line of longitude crosses Australia. The Tropic of Capricorn (latitude) crosses Australia.

What is the line of longitude that divides the US in in two?

Any line of longitude (or of latitude, for that matter), that crosses the United States, will divide it in two.

What lines are crossed by the line of latitude called tropic of Capricorn?

The Tropic of Capricorn crosses every meridian of longitude on the face of the earth, but no latitudes.

What is another name for a line in longitude and latitude?

Another name for a line of longitude and latitude is a "coordinate line" or "grid line." These lines help to form a grid system that is used to pinpoint specific locations on Earth's surface.

Do all lines of longitude meet at the equator?

Each line of latitude (the ones parallel to the Equator) crosses each line of longitude (the north - south lines).

What longitude and latitude is Antarctic circle?

The Antarctic Circle is a line of latitude -- which moves, according to the Earth's wobble. As of 10 March 2016, it runs 66°33′46.1″ as a line of latitude and crosses all degrees of E and W longitude on Earth.

Are latitude lines called meridian?

Each 'meridian' is a line of constant longitude.

What continent is crossed by every line of longitude?

Every line of longitude crosses the continent of Antarctica.

Where do lines of longitude converge (meet)?

-- All lines of longitude meet at the north and south poles. -- No two lines of latitude ever meet or cross each other. -- Every line of longitude crosses every line of latitude. -- Every line of latitude crosses every line of longitude. -- There are an infinite number of each kind, so there are an infinite number of places where a line of longitude crosses a line of latitude. (That's kind of the whole idea of the system.)

What is the latitude and longitude for equator?

The equator is a latitude line, so it has no specific longitude. The equator is at 0o north or south. There are many points on the equator, so every point on the equator has a different longitude.

Where does longitude and latitude cross?

"Crossing the Line" is associated with crossing the equator at 0 degrees latitude, not longitude. If you cross the equator (0 degrees latitude) at 0 or 180 degrees longitude, there is an additional status included.