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Q: What is it called when you focus on one negative thing?
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yes but you must focus on one thing, the thing your trying to move

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for me the function of laboratory is to learn more things and not to focus only in one thing but focus in many things.

What is function of laboratory?

for me the function of laboratory is to learn more things and not to focus only in one thing but focus in many things.

When you say that one thing is like another its called a smilie when you say one thing is another that is called?

When you say one thing is another, it is called a metaphor.

What is called success?

The meaning of success is subjective: One thing is for sure, it refers to being an accomplished individual in an area of life. Anyone can be successful, all that is required is focus.

Is one Thing by one direction positive or negative?

Positive. It is singing about how they love somebody.

I love a women and I am afraid to loose my focus on my life what to do I do love her dont want to forget her but dont want to loose my focus in all life aspects I feel frozen?

Learn to focus on more than one thing at a time, it is a skill all people need to learn. Balancing work and social life is necessary because if you only focus on one, then that one thing is all you will have.

What is it called when numbers that multiply to be negative one?

There is no such number. :/