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The numbers 1,2,3,... etc are called natural numbers or counting numbers. Integers are the natural numbers plus zero plus the negative ( or opposite ) natural numbers. Why do we need negative natural numbers ? For one thing x + 1 = 0 is an equation whose solution is x = -1. We could not solve this equation if we did not have negative integers. So over history these negative numbers came about as a way to solve certain math problems. The numbers 1,2,3,... etc are called natural numbers or counting numbers. Integers are the natural numbers plus zero plus the negative ( or opposite ) natural numbers. Why do we need negative natural numbers ? For one thing x + 1 = 0 is an equation whose solution is x = -1. We could not solve this equation if we did not have negative integers. So over history these negative numbers came about as a way to solve certain math problems.

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Q: Why does every integer have an opposite?
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Does every integer have an opposite?

An additive opposite, yes. A multiplicative one, no.

Is the opposite of an integer an integer?

yes. the opposite of a positive integer is the same except negative and vice versa ( ex: the opposite integer of -6 is 6. if you multiply them, it equals zero)

Is the absolute value of every integer its opposite?

No. The absolute simply returs the positive of any integer. ABS(6) = 6 and ABS(-6) = 6.

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the quotient of an integer and its opposite is never negative.

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The opposite of an integer is the integer that, when added to it, results in a sum of zero. In this case, the opposite of -6 is 6, since -6 + 6 = 0. The opposite integer is also known as the additive inverse.

What is the opposite word for the integer number?

A non-integer.

What is the opposite of a positive integer?

a negative integer or a fraction (as in 1/integer) or a negative fraction (as in -1/integer).

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What is the opposite of the integer?


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Every integer is a rational number.

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Every integer is rational.

Why is an integer sometimes less than its opposite?

An integer can be negative or positive, so if the integer is, let's say, -6. The opposite, or absolute value, of -6, is 6. So in this case, the opposite has more value than the actual integer. Does that answer the question? :D Best of luck, BrandonRocker98