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Q: What is it called when you see numbers backwards?
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What is the name of the condition where you see numbers backwards?

Dycalculia. Wiki it.

Why do some Children write their letters and numbers backwards?

They may have dyslexia ; see relevant link .

What is cardinal numbers backwards?

They are still cardinal numbers.

What are the first four numbers in IP written backwards?

The first 4 Numbers in Pi are 3.141 Written backwards- 1413 Written backwards with decimal point- 1.413

Why does 3.14 called the pi?

Because when you mirror the numbers and flip the backwards it spells PI.E 3.14 E.IP PI.E

What element has numbers spelled backwards in the middle of its name?

The element with numbers spelled backwards in the middle of its name is "selenium." The word "e/slein/u" are the numbers 34 (Se) spelled backwards.

What are the numbers in pi backwards?


What is reversible word called?

A reversible word, or a word that is spelled the same forwards as it is backwards, is called a "palindrome." This term can also be applied to numbers or entire phrases.

What is a 'reversible word' called?

A reversible word, or a word that is spelled the same forwards as it is backwards, is called a "palindrome." This term can also be applied to numbers or entire phrases.

What is it called for a number to have the same last numbers and the same middle numbers?

A number with the same last and middle numbers is called a palindrome. Palindromic numbers read the same forwards and backwards.