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Q: What is it called when you use dots to draw pictures?
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you line up the dots of the segment to the dots of the protcractor and draw/measure the angles.

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you use your mouse and brain

Why do they draw pictures in court?

Because you can't use camera in court

Does the dots that roy lichtenstein use have a name?

Yes, the dots that Roy Lichtenstein uses are his signature mark and are called 'Benday Dots'.

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How do you make a multiplication symbol?

U Draw a diagonal line then another the opposite way...some people just use dots.

Why did Lichtenstein use dots in his art?

Some decades ago all newspaper pictures were printed in dots, which were barely visible. When enlarged the were clearly seen, just as in Lichtenstein's paintings.

How do you do dot drawing?

you first draw the picture and then you use different colored dots to color your picture. For more info look up pointillism

How do you use Morse Code with a pencil?

you eat the pencil ^this person obviusley is a smart-ass you just draw out the dots and dashes .... . .-.. .-.. --- Hello .... . -.-- Hey

What is the point you use to draw a circle is called the?

It is called the Point of Origin.

How do you connect 4 dots with 3 lines?

To connect 4 dots with 3 lines, you can use a geometric technique called a "triangle paradox." Start by drawing a triangle connecting three of the dots. Then, draw a line from the remaining dot to the midpoint of one of the triangle's sides. Finally, draw a line connecting the midpoint of another side of the triangle to the remaining dot. This will create a figure that connects all 4 dots with only 3 lines.

What is some information about Egyptian culture?

they use to draw pictures on the inside of the pyramaidthey worshiped different kinds of gods and godesess