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A Kaprekar number is a number whose square can be split into two parts whose sum is the the original number. Both parts must be positive.

For example, 55^2 = 3025 and 30+25 = 55.

This is an example in base 10. Kaprekar also defined his number for other bases.

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Q: What is kaprekar number?
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Kaprekar and one that's so easy a 5 year old could answer it

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//To check whether a number is Kaprekar or not public class kaprekar { public static void main(int x)//Enter number { int num=x*x,no=x,digit=0; int rev=0; do { digit++; no=no/10; } while (no>0); no=num; while(digit > 0) { rev=rev*10+no%10; no=no/10; digit--; } int r=0; while(rev > 0) { r=r*10+rev%10; rev=rev/10; } if((r+no)==x) { System.out.println("It is a Kaprekar No. "); } else{ System.out.println("It is not a Kaprekar No. "); } } }

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import*; class kaprekar { public static void main(String args[])throws IOException { BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; System.out.println("Enter any number"); int n=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); int t=n,count=0; while(n!=0) { n=n/10; count++; } int s=t*t; int p=(int)Math.pow(10,count); int ld=s%p; int minus=s-ld; int fd=minus/p; int sum=fd+ld; if(sum==t) { System.out.println("Kaprekar Number"); } else { System.out.println("Not a Kaprekar number"); } } }

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