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Q: What is keeping all relevant conditions in an experiment the same except the manipulated variables?
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What is keeping all conditions the same except for the manipulated variable is called?

Keeping all the relevant conditions in an experiment the same except manipulated variable is called

Why do scientists try to identify as many relevant variables as possible when a controlled experiment is not possible?

to gather data from data to create an controlled experiment

When controlled experiment is not possible why do scientist try to identify as many relevant variables as possible?

to gather data from data to create an controlled experiment

When a controlled experiment is not possible why do scientist try to identify as many relevant variables as possible?

Scientists try to identify as many relevant variables as possible in order to account for potential confounding factors that could affect the outcome of the study. By identifying and controlling for these variables, researchers can increase the validity and reliability of their results, even when a controlled experiment is not possible.

When a controlled experiment is not possible why do scientists try to identify as many relevant variables as possible?

to gather data from data to create an controlled experiment

How would you convince people about condensation theory?

The fcat that it is a theory should be enough, given that for it to become one it must have passed all tests and criticisms it ever faced with flying colours and be usable in predicting the results of a relevant experiment. If that is not enough, set up an experiment and ask them to choose the variables and conditions for you. You can then use the theory to predict the results and then prove it so.

What is the purpose of a hypothesis in an experiment?

The purpose of a hypothesis in an experiment is to make a testable prediction about the relationship between variables. It serves as a guide for the experiment, helping researchers to focus their efforts on collecting relevant data to either support or refute the hypothesis. Ultimately, the hypothesis helps to determine whether the experiment's results are statistically significant.

What is Situation-Relevant Confounding Variable?

A situation-relevant confounding variable is a third variable that is related to both the independent and dependent variables being studied, which can lead to a spurious relationship between them. It is crucial to identify and control for situation-relevant confounding variables in research to ensure that the true relationship between the variables of interest is accurately captured.

What does relevant domain mean?

The relevant domain is the set of values that the variable in question can take. Some variables, such as age or length, for example, cannot be negative; some variables, such as the number of children in a class must be whole numbers.

Anything that can be changed in an experiment that might affect the outcome.?

It is a relevant variable.

How do you do a science experiment?

Every scientific experiment is different, however, there are certain consistent features of an experiment. You have to cause an event under controlled conditions, which can be reproduced (that is, you can cause the same event more than once, and other scientists can duplicate your work if they so desire) with careful measurement of all relevant parameters, and careful observation of the results of that event.

What is the layout of a planning and designing for physics?

In physics planning and designing, the first step is to clearly define the problem or objective. Next, gather relevant data and information, analyze the problem using physics principles and theories, and develop a model or solution. Finally, test the model through experimentation or simulation, evaluate the results, and refine the design as needed.