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Q: When a contolled experiment is not possible why doscientists try to identify as many relevant varialbes as possible?
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this is important to be her formula is correct.

When a controlled experiment is not possible why do scientists try to identify as many relevants as possible?

to gather data from data to create an controlled experiment

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Why do scientists try to identify as many relevant variables as possible when a controlled experiment is not possible?

to gather data from data to create an controlled experiment

When a controlled experiment is not possible why do scientist try to identify as many relevant variable as possible?

to gather data from data to create an controlled experiment

When controlled experiment is not possible why do scientist try to identify as many relevant variables as possible?

to gather data from data to create an controlled experiment

The main reason why is it important to identify errors in an experiment?

because when the errors are not been identified your experiment will be ruined.... wuahahaha .. :DD :D :DD

When a controlled experiment is not possible why do scientists try to identify as many relevant variables as possible?

to gather data from data to create an controlled experiment