73 is the largest two-digit number that is prime and has prime numbers for both of its digits.
73 is the largest 2 digit number that is both prime and has prime numbers for both of its digits.
Smallest is 11 & Largest is 77.
The largest 3 digit number whose digits are all primes is 777. The largest 3 digit number with different prime digits is 753.
The largest three digit prime number whose digits are all primes is 773.
73 is the largest two-digit number that is prime and has prime numbers for both of its digits.
73 is the largest 2 digit number that is both prime and has prime numbers for both of its digits.
Smallest is 11 & Largest is 77.
The largest 3 digit number whose digits are all primes is 777. The largest 3 digit number with different prime digits is 753.
The largest three digit prime number whose digits are all primes is 773.
997 is the largest 3-digit prime number.
679 is the product of the largest single-digit prime number and the largest two-digit prime number.
It is: 73 of which 7 and 3 are both prime numbers
You had me until "product." The product of 4 digits can't be prime.
How about: 777 or 753