997 is the last 3 digit prime number
The number 153 is an odd number. It's because the last number 3 is an odd number..... I hope you understand....
997 is the last 3 digit prime number
You line up the last numbers and then add it!
No because its last digit is 6 which is an even number. Odd numbers have 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 in its last digit or in the ones digit. Examples: 3, 11, 25,789
The number 153 is an odd number. It's because the last number 3 is an odd number..... I hope you understand....
The last digit of the number 42012 is 2.
Look at the last digit. If a number's last digit is even, the number is even. If the last digit is odd, the number is odd.
no, as it is an odd number. (3 as the last digit)
No. Consider 13 or 23.
To find the last digit of 373^333, we need to look for a pattern in the units digit of the powers of 3. The units digit of powers of 3 cycles every 4 powers: 3^1 = 3, 3^2 = 9, 3^3 = 7, 3^4 = 1, and then it repeats. Since 333 is one less than a multiple of 4, the units digit of 3^333 will be the third number in the cycle, which is 7. Therefore, the last digit of 373^333 is 7.