Usually a remainder, decimal or fraction;
depending on how you are doing your division
In a division problem, the dividend is the part of the problem to the left of the "
dividend / divisor = quotient Also, the remainder is whatever is left over.
In the division problem 467 ÷ 34, the quotient is the result of dividing 467 by 34, which is 13.735294118. The remainder is the amount left over after dividing as much as possible, which in this case is 11. This means that 467 divided by 34 equals 13 with a remainder of 11.
In a division problem, the dividend is the part of the problem to the left of the "
dividend / divisor = quotient Also, the remainder is whatever is left over.
The "quotient" is the solution to a division problem. For example: in the problem 147/7 = 21 147 is the dividend (or numerator,) 7 is the divisor (or denominator,) and 21 is the quotient. If there is anything left over after the division, that would be called the remainder. Note that the terms numerator and denominator are usually used in the context of fractions whereas dividend and divisor are used in the context of division. However, those contexts are equivalent, since fractions are really an expression of a division problem.
Long division vocab.: the dividend is divided by the divisor. The remainder is what's left over after the problem is solved. The quotient is the answer! Hope that helps! :-)
Quotient = Dividend / Divisor Quotient is the answer to the equation (3 = 6 / 2, the quotient is 3). Dividend is what you are dividing (3 = 6 / 2, the dividend is 6). Divior is what you are dividing by (3 = 6 / 2, the divisor is 2). If division equation is changed to 3 = 7 / 2, we have a remainder of 1 left from the dividend.
The number left over in division is called the remainder.
The dividend is the first number in a dividing equation.Dividend ÷ Divisor = Quotient; the Remainder is any 'left over' value, if not evenly divisible.For example,54 divided by 9= 6.54 is the dividend, 9 is the Divisor, 6 is the Quotient, and the Remainder is 0.
In the division problem 467 ÷ 34, the quotient is the result of dividing 467 by 34, which is 13.735294118. The remainder is the amount left over after dividing as much as possible, which in this case is 11. This means that 467 divided by 34 equals 13 with a remainder of 11.