non-linear model of communication is a way of communication that is thoght to came from the creative side of the brain that gets the message across in a round about way
A model in which your mother.
If a linear model accurately reflects the measured data, then the linear model makes it easy to predict what outcomes will occur given any input within the range for which the model is valid. I chose the word valid, because many physical occurences may only be linear within a certain range. Consider applying force to stretch a spring. Within a certain distance, the spring will move a linear distance proportional to the force applied. Outside that range, the relationship is no longer linear, so we restrict our model to the range where it does work.
by figuring out the equation
non-linear model of communication is a way of communication that is thoght to came from the creative side of the brain that gets the message across in a round about way
C.E.Shannon & Weaver
advantages and disadvantages of linear model communication
One advantage of a linear model of communication is that it is easy to put together and implement. A disadvantage is that the linear communication may not always follow the "straight line," meaning there may be someone not in the line that needs the communication as well.
There are three kinds of models of communication. They are linear model, interactive model, and transactional model. Communication is the key to success in life.
Linear Model of Communication
Non-linear model is a two way process in which the designer/presenter show/identified the response/feedback of the receiver, its also called circular and interactional model.
non-linear model of communication is a way of communication that is thoght to came from the creative side of the brain that gets the message across in a round about way
non-linear model of communication is a way of communication that is thoght to came from the creative side of the brain that gets the message across in a round about way
Linear model is where there is a sender and a reciever one person sends the messages while the other recieves them. Transactional involves communicators where they send and recieve messages back and forth
advantages and disadvantages of linear model communication
linear model involves only one way communication that is messages are sent and the receiver only is one dimensional. interactional model involves not only mesages sent but also the feedback from the receiver where as in transactional model besides sending messages and giving a feedback we also have non verbal messages.