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Q: What is linear quadratic and exponential?
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Different types of functions in maths?

Piecewise, linear, exponential, quadratic, Onto, cubic, polynomial and absolute value.

Is the relationship linear or exponential?

is the relationship linear or exponential

Is y -0.75x a quadratic linear or exponential equation?

This is a linear equation. This is because the x term is only raised to the power one if it had contained an x^2 phrase it would have been quadratin, and if it had contained an n^x term it would have been exponential.

What is the difference between a linear quadratic and a quadratic quadratic?

There is no quadratic equation that is 'linear'. There are linear equations and quadratic equations. Linear equations are equations in which the degree of the variable is 1, and quadratic equations are those equations in which the degree of the variable is 2.

How do you tell if a equation is quadratic or exponential or linear when it is in a table?

I'm not sure how you managed to get your equation into a table form. So perhaps try multiply each pronumeral by an exponential of the index of the third pronumeral cow

How would you rank the following functions by their order of growth?

The functions can be ranked in order of growth from slowest to fastest as follows: logarithmic, linear, quadratic, exponential.

Is quadratic sequence exponential function?

No. It is a sequence for which the rule is a quadratic expression.

When can you use linear quadratic functions?

There are linear functions and there are quadratic functions but I am not aware of a linear quadratic function. It probably comes from the people who worked on the circular square.

How will you describe the graph of a function?

· whether it is linear, quadratic or exponential · whether it has an upper or lower bound · whether it has a minimum or a maximum value · whether it is constant, decreasing or increasing

Categorize the graph as linear increasing linear decreasing exponential growth or exponential decay.?

Exponential Decay. hope this will help :)

Is the inverse of an exponential function the quadratic function?

No. The inverse of an exponential function is a logarithmic function.

What are the different curve classes and how do they differ from each other?

There are four main curve classes: linear, quadratic, cubic, and exponential. Linear curves increase or decrease at a constant rate. Quadratic curves have a single bend and increase or decrease at an increasing rate. Cubic curves have two bends and increase or decrease at a varying rate. Exponential curves increase or decrease at an accelerating rate, growing rapidly over time.