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multiplicant is listed first, then multiplier is the number you are multiplying by.

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Q: What is listed first multiplier or multiplicand?
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What comes first multiplicand or multiplier?

I was actually wondering the same thing to . . . I did some research for my math quiz and I fould out the Mutiplicand comes before the Multiplier . . .If you look at it logically . . . the Multiplier is suppose to be Multipling something . . . so if you put it first it couldn't multiply anything . . . that is why the Multiplicand comes before the Multiplier.The order is . . .Multiplicand . . . Multiplier . . . Sum

Where are the multiplicand and multiplier in a multiplication problem?

the mutiplicand is the first number (s) and the multiplier is the second number

What is the first number in a multiplication problem?

The multiplicand is multiplied by the multiplier.

The multiplicand times the product equals the multiplier?

Wrong. Product divided by the multiplicand equals the multiplier.

Numbers that are multiplied together to give a product are?

They are called the multiplicand and the multiplier. The multiplicand is the number that is being multiplied by the multiplier. 6 (multiplicand) x 3 (multiplier) __________ 18 (product)

What is multiplicand mean in terms of math?

The quantity to be multiplied by the multiplier is called multiplicand. Say sin(x) is multiplied by 5. Then sin(x) is the multiplicand. 5 is the multiplier. If sin(x) is the multiplier, then 5 would become the multiplicand.

What is the multiplier multiplicand product of 9x4 equals 36?

9 = multiplicand 4 = multiplier 36 = product

What is the first factor of a product?

Multiplicand times multiplier equals product.

First number in a multiplycation?

Multiplicand times multiplier equals product

What we called the two numbers that are being multiplied?

Multiplicand times multiplier equals product.

Which part of the multiplication sentence tells how many times a number is multiplied?

The multiplier. The multiplicand is multiplied by the multiplier to create the product.

What are the numbers called in a multiplacation problem?

multiplier times multiplicand equals product or multiplicand times multiplier equals product