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Q: What is lower bound for W nearest cm?
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The length of a rectangle is fixed at 27 cm what widths will make the perimeter greater than 86cm?

Recall that the perimeter is: P=2*L+2*W If L=27 cm, find W such that P>86 cm P>86 cm 2*L+2*W>86 cm 54 cm+2*W>86 cm 2*W>32 cm W>16 cm So widths greater than 16 cm will make the perimeter greater than 16 cm.

The length of a rectangle is 2cm longer than its width if the perimeter of the rectangle is 40cm find the area?

The rectangle is 99 cm2 in area. Here's how we got it. The rectangle has length (l) and width (w). A length and a length and a width and a width all added up equals 40 cm. And l is 2 cm longer than w, so l = w + 2. If we add w + 2 and w + 2 (the two lengths) and w and w, we get 40 cm. That's 4w + 4 cm = 40 cm. 4w = 36 cm, and w = 9 cm. The width is 9 cm, and the length is 2 cm more or 11 cm. The rectangle is 9 cm by 11 cm, and its area is 9 x 11 cm2, or 99 cm2.

What is the value of w if A equals 184 cm2 and l equals 23 cm?

A = w*l so 184 = w*23 or w = 184/23 = 8 cm

Answer this a piece of poster has a perimeter of 130 cm what are the dimensions of the poster if its length is 35 cm longer than its width?

Suppose the width is W cm Then the length, L = W + 35 cm And the perimeter is 2W + 2L = 2W + 2(W+35) = 4W + 70 4W + 70 = 130 so that 4W = 60 or W = 15 and then L = W + 35 = 50 So the poster is 15 cm by 50 cm

The length of a rectangle is 6 cm greater than its width its area is 952 cm squared find its dimension?

W (w + 6) = 952 ie w2 + 6w - 952 = 0 ie (w + 34)(w - 28) = 0 The width is 28 cm and the length 34 cm.

Find the perimeter of a rectangle 12.5 cm long and 3.5 cm wide?

The perimeter of a rectangle is simply the sum of the length of all four sides. So, l + w + l + w, or 2(l + w).

What is the perimeter of a rectangle with a length of 15 centimeters and with of 10 centimeters?

The perimeter of a rectangle is P = 2(l + w) where: l = length w = width Let: l = 15 cm w = 10 cm Then: P = 2(15 cm + 10 cm) = 2(25 cm) = 50 cm So the perimeter of a rectangle is 50 cm.

What is the area of a rectangular desk top that is w cm wide and twice as long as it is wide?

Width = w cmLength = 2w cmArea = (length) x (width) = (2w cm) x (w cm) = 2w2 cm2

The length of the rectangle is greater than its breadth by 2 cm if the length is increased by 4 cm and the breadth decreased by 3cm the area remain same find the length and breadth of the rectangle?

The width is 18 cm and the length is 20 cm. The new dimensions are 15 by 24. The formula used is if w=width, w (w + 2) = (w - 3) (w + 6).

The length of a rectangle is 3 cm less than 4 times the width The perimeter is 114 cm Find the width?

Suppose width = W cm Then 4 times width = 4W cm So Length, L = 4W - 3 cm Perimeter = 2*(L+W) = 2*(4W-3 + W) = 2*(5W -3) = 10W - 6 = 114 So 10W = 114+6 = 120 cm and so W = 12 cm.

What do you use to measure the capacity of a school locker?

A tape measure to measure the height (h cm), depth (d cm) and width (w cm). Then capacity = h*d*w cm3 = h*d*w/1000 litres.

He volume of a rectangular prism is 2058 cubic cm The length of the prism is 3 times the width The height is twice the width Find the height of the prism?

Let the width be "w" cm Length = 3w cm Height = 2wcm Hence w x 3w x 2w = 2058 cubic cm 6(w-cubed) = 2058 w-cubed = 2058/6 = 343 w = cube root of 343 = 7 cm