

What is math studies?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is math studies?
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What if you fail the social studies and the math?

Social Studies and Math are very important subjects so it will be bad if you fail them.

What is the difference between math studies and math standard level?

Maths studies is easier, hence some universities don't recognise it. But it really depends on what you want your future career path to be, if it's something completely not related to math like being an artist, then sure choosing math studies will be fine.

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She will fail math if she does not study hard.

How is math related to social studies?

Math is related to Social Studies when numbers are used to represent times and dates when events occurred or when people were born or died.

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Trigonomy is the branch of math that studies triangles?

Yes, trig is the math of triangles, particularly right trianges.

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Math and science.

Branch of math that studies strange attractors?

Chaos theory

What is the difference between math and social studies?

Math is the language of science and in and of itself is important for teaching people how to think, not what to think. Social studies is just the grade school name for a collection of social science " disciplines " and, though needing some study, are orders of magnitude less important than math. Math is an objective discipline while social studies only pretends to be objective.

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Math, gym, science and social studies math, l.a., literacy, and reading