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Q: What is matrix multiplication not?
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Matrix multiplication is not commutative?

That is true, matrix multiplication is not commutative.

Are matrix addition and matrix multiplication commutative?

Matrix addition is commutative if the elements in the matrices are themselves commutative.Matrix multiplication is not commutative.

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What is the time complexity of the Strassen algorithm for matrix multiplication?

The time complexity of the Strassen algorithm for matrix multiplication is O(n2.81).

What is matrix multiplication about?

Matrix multiplication typically refers to an operation which yields a new matrix from a pair of matrices which are already known. This is normally covered in an Algebra class or textbook.

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How are the inverse matrix and identity matrix related?

If an identity matrix is the answer to a problem under matrix multiplication, then each of the two matrices is an inverse matrix of the other.

What is the difference between scalar multiplication and matrix multiplication?

Matrix multiplication is when you multiply the numbers inside different matricies.[topleft#1]Xtopleft#2=top left topright#1XBottomleft=top right bottom left X Topleft=top left bottom rightX bottom right=bottom right Scalar multiplication A number out side a matrix multiplies all parts of the matrix

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