It means staying in a line (or queue) of people: not pushing, not jumping in front.
a line of fit mean perfect line.
A line is made up of a large (infinite) number of points. When we say a point is on a line, we mean that it is one of the pints that form the line.
by zero line do you mean 0? or do you mean 0 with the slash in it like this /?
Discipline the costumers.
Discipline refers to specialty ... electrical, chemical, mechanical, etc.
Line discipline is way of synchronization, so that two communicating devices do not send information at the same time, especially in half duplex transmissions.
Self discipline
Error Control Flow Control Line Discipline
Discipline means that to follow the rules and regulations at any institution
BDSM, Bondage & Discipline / Domination & Submission /
Error Control Flow Control Line Discipline
If everything has to be placed in a straight line, it usually indicates a need for order, organization, or precision. It can suggest a desire to maintain control, discipline, or clarity in a given situation.
It refers to the discipline: athletics.
Musar means discipline (used both as studying self-discipline and disciplining others).