

What is meant by domain?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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8y ago

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Domains is a group of computers and other resources that are part of a network and share a common directory database .Once a server has been installed , you can use the Active Directory Wizard to install Active Directory in order to install Active directory on the first server on the network , that server must have the access to a server running DNS (Domain Name Service). If you don't have install this service on your server then you will have to install this service during the Active Directory installation

The 'domain' is simply your computer address not to confused with an URL. A domain address might look something like 211.170.469.

A Domain is simply a name with which we use to refer a computer.

It mean online property!

The domain is the "end part" of the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of an internet address. It identifies a subdivision of the net so that the location of an individual, group or organization can be pinpointed.

Domains include: .com, .net, .gov, .edu, .mil, .uk, .fr and a whole bunch more.

Other meaningsDomain has more than one meaning. It can mean a place under one rule or one control, or it can mean a sphere of influence or control. In mathematics, it means the set of possible values of an independent variable. In physics, it means a discreet region of magnetism in ferromagnetic material. Finally, if you add an e at the end to make the word Domaine, then it means a vineyard.
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