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Q: What is meant by least median square method?
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What is meant by the median of a set of data?

In probability theory and statistics, a median is described as the number separating the higher half of a sample from the lower half.So if you have 19 measurements and order them from least to greatest, the tenth value is the median.

What is the median of 23?

As 23 is a single number, its median is itself. If you meant 2 and 3, then the median is 2.5, the value halfway between them, which in this case is also the mean of the two numbers.

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Method related charges

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if you meant squre root it's 31, if you meant square it's 923,521

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The mean square error is used as part of the digital image processing method to check for errors. Two MSEs are calculated and then compared to determine the accuracy of an image.

What is the segment in a triangle from a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side called?

Assuming that you meant midpoint, it is a median.

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An average is a single value that is meant to typify a list of values, or more basically, to find a median by which to compare to.

What is the median of 01234567?

The median of a single number, 01234567, is that number. If the question meant "what is the median of the values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7?" then the answer is 3.5. It is either the center number in an odd ordered list, or it is the mean of the two center numbers in an even ordered list.

How do you use the word meant in a sentence?

What I meant is that to square a number you multiply the number by itself.

Are reantangles a square?

If "reantangles" is meant to be rectangles, then the answer is no.

What part of speech is median?

median is noun. why i said noun?? the reason is given below we know that noun is the name of a thing, person or a place, so by this is meant that median is the name of of something, so median is a noun.. oh come one get over it, i know am genious , no need of claping and praising.. +923329353161

What is meant by 'least cost routing'?

There are many things that is meant by the phrase 'least cost routing'. 'Least cost routing' typically refers to the process of selecting the path of outbound communications.