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Q: What is meant by standard weights and measures?
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Congress can fix the standard for what and measures?

the congress can fix standards for weights

What is fix standard weights and measures?

federal goverment

Which branch of government can create standard weights and measures?


What is city sealers?

employees responsible for checking standard weights and measures of businesses. A+

What is a city sealer?

employees responsible for checking standard weights and measures of businesses. A+

Who creates standard weights and measures?

In the U.S., the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Who has the responsibility to fix the standard of weights and measures According to the US constitution?

federal government

Who or what city sealers?

City Sealers are employees responsible for checking standard weights and measures of businesses.

Who or what are city sealers?

City Sealers are employees responsible for checking standard weights and measures of businesses.

What is the advantage of the metric system of weights and measures?

It is an international standard, and it is much easier to calculate with the metric system.

Who decides the standard of weights and measures?

In the United States, Congress has the constitutional right to fix standards, but except for purposes of customs and internal revenue, weights and measures legislation has been, for the most part, permissive. Sets of official weights and measures were sent to the states in 1856, but legislation and enforcement are largely state prerogatives.

Why would it be hard to buy a piece of land or a new cart with measures of barley?

because the grain was measured out according to standard weights