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The Celsius scale is used to measure temperature.

Temperature can be thought of as the "jiggling" motion of atoms. As the atoms jiggle less, the temperature drops; when the atoms stop moving the temperature cannot go any lower - this is Absolute zero which is 0 K or -273.15 °C (or -459.67 °F).

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Q: What is measure in units of degrees Celsius?
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What units does a meteorologist's thermometer measure?

Degrees Celsius.

What are degrees in temperature?

The units of measure in temperature. (Fahrenheit ; Celsius)

What units does a thermometer measure in?

Typically degrees fahrenheit or degrees celsius.

What metric units does the thermometeruse?

Thermometers typically use metric units such as Celsius or Kelvin to measure temperature. These units are widely used in scientific research and everyday applications due to their consistency and ease of conversion.

What is the IS unit for temperature?

The units of temperature are degrees. You can measure degrees in either Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin.

What are different units to measure temperature?

Degrees Centigrade (Celsius), Fahrenheit, or kelvins.

What are two units scientist use to measure temperature?

The basic unit is Kelvin, which is a measure of thermodynamic temperature. Based on this unit, the more common unit is degrees Celsius.

What are the different units used to measure temperature?

Degrees Celsius Degrees Fahrenheit kelvins

What unit of measurement would you use to measure temperature?

There are three different units of measure for temperature, degrees Fahrenheit, degrees Celsius, or Kelvins. (Degrees are not used with Kelvins.)

What are examples of things you can measure in degrees Celsius?

You can measure anything in degrees Celsius that you can in Fahrenheit.

What are the units of a kelvin scale Fahrenheit scale and celsius scale?

The units, in this case, are kelvin, degrees Fahrenheit, and degrees Celsius.

What are the units of temperature called?

The units or measurement of temperature are in degrees. You can measure degrees in either Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin.In the US we measure in Fahrenheit degrees. In the metric system, you also use Celsius degrees. However, the SI unit of temperature is called the kelvin. It depends on where you are and what kind of temperatures you are measuring.oC,oF and K (statements of Kelvin temperatures do NOT use the degree mark)