528 24 x 22 = 528
The fraction 22/13 cannot be reduced any more.
In math, it is spelled "pi". It is an irrational number. The first few decimal places are 3.1415. a more accurate number is 7/22. * * * * * To 4 decimal places, the number is 3.1416 not as given above. And, the rational approximation is 22/7 not 7/22.
22/7 = 3.1428571429 approx= 314%
it depends on the model .22, in most cases the .22 will be more accurate because of the superior rifling in the barrel
There are many, many, fractions equal to 3.14314/100 for instance. Or 22/7 which is smaller and almost as close. It gives you 3.1428571 which is closer then 314/100. Uh, no. 314/100 is much closer to 3.14 than 22/7. Also, 22/7 is not smaller than 314/100, it is larger. 3.1428571 > 3.14.
Santa Barbara - 1984 1-314 was released on: USA: 22 October 1985
355/113 is more accurate than 22/7
528 24 x 22 = 528
314 stainless steel is an iron alloy containing 23-26 % chromium, 19-22 % nickel, 2 % manganese, 1,5-3 silicon, 0,25 % carbon.
The fraction 9/22 cannot be reduced any more.
The fraction 22/13 cannot be reduced any more.
roughly about 22 miles accurate
well it depends on what kind of shooting you intend to do, scopes are more accurate than the iron sights at over 75 yards. while anything under that i find iron sights plenty accurate providing the experience of the shooter.