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multiple correlation: Suppose you calculate the linear regression of a single dependent variable on more than one independent variable and that you include a mean in the linear model. The multiple correlation is analogous to the statistic that is obtainable from a linear model that includes just one independent variable. It measures the degree to which the linear model given by the linear regression is valuable as a predictor of the independent variable. For calculation details you might wish to see the wikipedia article for this statistic.

partial correlation: Let's say you have a dependent variable Y and a collection of independent variables X1, X2, X3. You might for some reason be interested in the partial correlation of Y and X3. Then you would calculate the linear regression of Y on just X1 and X2. Knowing the coefficients of this linear model you would calculate the so-called residuals which would be the parts of Y unaccounted for by the model or, in other words, the differences between the Y's and the values given by b1X1 + b2X2 where b1 and b2 are the model coefficients from the regression. Now you would calculate the correlation between these residuals and the X3 values to obtain the partial correlation of X3 with Y given X1 and X2. Intuitively, we use the first regression and residual calculation to account for the explanatory power of X1 and X2. Having done that we calculate the correlation coefficient to learn whether any more explanatory power is left for X3 to 'mop up'.

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Q: What is multiple and partial correlation?
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What is Multiple Correlation?

Let me assume that you are familiar with the (Pearson) correlation coefficient. If you estimate how one variable might be a linear function of another (using least-squares) then the measure of how strong the association is is known as that with which you are correlation coefficient. If you generalise by estimating what linear function one variable is of two or more other variables then the measure of how strong the relationship is is the multiple correlation.For mathematical reasons which may or may not interest you, and which I won't go into here, if we now go backwards we find that the multiple correlation for the situation where one variable is regressed against one other variable is just the square of the Pearson correlation coefficient.As you probably know, the Pearson ranges from -1 to +1. Because the multiple correlation is the squared value it ranges only from 0 to 1 and can indicate only degree of association, not the sense of direction.

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How many types of correlation?

There are 3 types1.positive/ negative/zero/2.linear/non-linear3.simple/multiple/partial- If the direction is same,the relationship is positive-If the direction is opposite , the relationship is negative-If the amount of change is constant in different variable it is linear-If the amount of change is not constant in different variable is non- linear-If it is establishing a relationship between two characteristic then it is simple- If it is establishing a relationship between three or more characteristic then it is multiple-If it is establishing a relationship between only one of all the variable then it is partial

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Correlation refers to a statistical measure that shows the extent to which two or more variables change together. A positive correlation indicates that the variables move in the same direction, while a negative correlation means they move in opposite directions. Correlation does not imply causation, meaning that just because two variables are correlated does not mean that one causes the other.

What is multiple inheritance in java?

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How are interface used for multiple inheritence?

Actually, java does not support multiple inheritance. You can achieve partial multiple inheritance using interfaces but java is not like C or C++ where you can do direct multiple inheritance. However, you can achieve partial multiple inheritance with the help of interfaces. Ex: public class FerrariF12011 extends Ferrari implements Car, Automobile {…} And this is under the assumption that Car and Automobile are interfaces. Here if you see, though you don't inherit concrete code from the Car or the Automobile interface, you do inherit skeleton methods that determine the way your class eventually behaves and hence this can be considered partial Multiple Inheritance.