

What is multiple croping?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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13y ago

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When You Have Multiple Crops In Different Areas!

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Q: What is multiple croping?
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What do you understand by multiple croping?

these are the system that suit most farmer best,and ththey are the most common.

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Use the croping tool.

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it had very fertile land and great croping.

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by croping in 2 season

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there is no benefit in croping any dogs tail execpt the looks.

What is mixed croping?

both r 1 n the sme thing but the basic difference is that in multiple cropping crops r grown simultaneously and in case of mixed cropping there is no limits crops can be grown in n numbers at same land and there is not a particular order for growing these crops............................

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Southern colonial time was very different then today. they did alot of croping cooking clothes making and not alot of kids went to school SS(:

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they are located on the coastal plain,because of the importing and exporting business and and because of soil.

Differentiate crop rotation from strip croping?

Crop Rotation:Crops are grown IN TURN through the seasons.Eg:wheat-groundnuts-wheat-groundnutStrip Cropping:Crops are grown at the SAME TIME but in alternating rows.Eg.wheat and pulses

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How do you stand up the Dobermans ear with out croping?

The only permanent way to do this is surgical cropping. Some people have been successful in getting the ears to partially stand by tapping them since the puppy was very young. However, this very rarely works with Dobermanns as they have such soft ear tissue.