Division is the inverse of multiplication.
So if you multiply two numbers, let's suppose 2 x 3 = 6
Then, if you divide the product (i.e. 6) with any one of the two multipliers (i.e. 2 or 3) you shall get the other multiplier as the answer.
The inverse function of multiplication is division.
It is the reverse of the action Ex. Addition is the inverse of subtration multiplication is the inverse of division
the inverse of addition is subtraction and the inverse of multiplication is division. Of course, multiplication is just repeated addition so division is just repeated subtraction!
The inverse operation of addition is subtraction. The inverse multiplication by a number other than 0 is division. Multiplication by 0 does not have an inverse operation.
Addition is the inverse of Subtraction. Division is the inverse of Multiplication. and then visa-versa. :-) Addition is the inverse of Subtraction. Division is the inverse of Multiplication. and then visa-versa. :-) the Answer is subtraction
The inverse of multiplication is division.
They are inverse because they are the opposites.
The inverse of multiplication is division. * * * * * The inverse of the operation of multiplication is division, as stated in the above answer, but another name for the multiplicative inverse is a reciprocal.
this is no Inverse property for multiplication