

What is negative 2 5?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: What is negative 2 5?
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What is negative 2 plus negative 3?

negative 5

Does negative 2 correspond with 5?

Negative 2 does not correspond to 5 in any way. Negative 5 might be seen as a mirror image of 5 on the number line, but negative 2 has no correlation to 5.

Negative 5 plus what number will give you negative 2?

3 negative 5 and 3 equals negative 2 easy question (-5) + 3 = (-2)

A negative plus a negative is positive?

No a negative plus a negative is not a positive answer. example. -5+-2=-7 but if you are subtracting a negative number from a negative, then the second negative number would become a positive. example. -5 - -2= -5+2= =-3

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What is 5 times negative 2 over 5?

Negative 2. 5 * -2, multiply the two zero values you get 10. Because there is one negative, our answer will be negative. -10/2, again, divide the zero values, you get 2. Add the negative sign, and BAM-- -2

What adds to get negative 2 but multiplies to get negative 5?

get -5: -5x1, get -2:_-3+1

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What is negative 2 plus negative 5?

negative three

What is 3 plus negative 5?

(-5) + (-3) = -8

If you have a - and a - what do you get?

The answer to this depends on what you are doing with the numbers..... * A negative added to a negative gives a negative (-3) + (-5) = -8 * A negative subtracted from a negative may give either a negative or a positive (-3) - (-5) = +2 (-5) - (-3) = -2 * A negative multiplied by a negative gives a positive (-3) x (-5) = +15 * A negative divided by a negative gives a positive (-3) ÷ (-5) = +0.6

What is posotive 2 plus negative 5?

(-5) + (what) = (-2) (what) = (-2) - (-5) = (-2) + 5 = 3