when you multiply -1 to a fraction it makes the fraction negative 7 -7 -- x -1= --- 8 8
Yes, negative numbers can be in a fraction. Fractions can have negative numerators or negative denominators, or both. For example, -1/2, 3/-4, and -5/-7 are fractions that include negative numbers.
It is 1/78125.
It is a negative fraction of -7/18 in its simplest form
-3 7/10
Negative 3 and five sevenths expressed as an improper fraction is - 26/7.
when you multiply -1 to a fraction it makes the fraction negative 7 -7 -- x -1= --- 8 8
-7/3 is a negative rational number.
Yes, negative numbers can be in a fraction. Fractions can have negative numerators or negative denominators, or both. For example, -1/2, 3/-4, and -5/-7 are fractions that include negative numbers.
It is 1/78125.
yes it is a negative fraction
-7 1/3
If the numerator is negative and the denominator is positive then the fraction will be negative. If the numerator is negative and the denominator is negative too then the fraction will be positive.