

What is negative humor?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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10y ago

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Negative humor is humor that is not happy and is not always funny. It may be sarcastic or morbid. (Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he was feeling suicidal.)

How can humour be negative? It's as bad as that stupid ex-FBI profiler on NBC who said Osama BibLaden was the most negatively admired man in America. What you mean is 'black humour' or if you have a limited vocabulary and/or a poor grasp of the nuances of English and think that has racist connotations - which it doesn't, 'dark', 'sardonic', 'morbid' or 'gallows' humour

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The word humor is both a noun and a verb.Examples:He has a good sense of humor. (noun)It does no harm to humor him. (verb)

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What are humor books?

books in the humor section

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