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It isn't really simple to explain; to get a thorough understanding, you MUST understand a few basic concepts. See below.

But basically, a force will result in an acceleration; the amount of acceleration an object experiences will depend on the force (more force will result in more acceleration), and on the object's mass (more mass will result in less acceleration).

The basic concepts that are important to understand are the following:

* Acceleration as a rate of change in velocity - how fast velocity changes.

* Both velocity and acceleration are vectors.

* A reduction in speed is a change in velocity; so is a change in direction, even if the speed doesn't change. In this case, in physics you would still talk about "acceleration"; even though in popular terms, "acceleration" is usually understood as an increase in speed.

* The NET FORCE must be considered - the vector sum of all forces that act on an object. It is quite common that a force acts on an object, but it doesn't accelerate - in which case there is a counter-force that is balancing the first force.

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Q: What is newtons 2nd law of motion in simple terms?
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What newtons 2nd law of motion?

newtons 2nd law states that if a force is put on an object then the object will move in the oppisite direction of the force no thats the third law

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Newton's third law of motion is "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction." When you sit down in a chair, the chair must provide an equal and opposite reaction or it would collapse.

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Inertia is a sporting example of newton's first law of motion.

How does force affect an object's motion?

When a force is acted on an object the motion changes. Newtons 2nd law of motion states: An object in motion will stay in motion, and an object out of motion will stay out of motion, unless met with an unbalanced force. If a force is aplied to an object in motion it either accelerates, or it will stop once met with sed unbalanced force.

State Newtons law of motion?

F = mA 1st F and A zero 2nd F and A not zero 3rd F zero and sum of A equal zero.

What are practical applications of newtons second law of motion?

Almost all machinery uses the 2nd Law. Also sports activity and firearms use the 2nd law. The 2nd Law runs the Universe, from the motions of tools to the motions of the galaxies.

What is relationship of force to motion?

take a look at newtons 1st and 2nd laws. Basically if a force is applied on an object in one direction and no other forces are present it will accelerate or decelerate.

What equation states newtons 2nd law of motion?

The equation that states Newton's second law of motion is F = ma, where F is the net force acting on an object, m is the mass of the object, and a is the acceleration of the object. This law describes how an object will accelerate in response to the forces acting upon it.