

What is objective complement?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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6y ago

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An object complement is a noun, a pronoun, or an adjectivewhich follows a direct object to rename it or state what it has become

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Gussie Bechtelar

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Is the function member a objective complement?

No, "member" is not an objective complement in this context. It is functioning as a predicate nominative, renaming the subject "function."

What are the example of objective complement?

your fit.

In which sentence does the underlined objective complement function as a noun?

Can you provide the sentences you would like me to evaluate for the function of the underlined objective complement?

Can the objective complement of a sentence be found in a prepositional phrase?

Yes, an objective complement can sometimes be found in a prepositional phrase. This often occurs when the prepositional phrase describes or completes the action of the verb and is necessary to fully understand the meaning of the sentence.

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Give you an example of objective complement?

The priest christened the baby Anette.

What form of the pronoun is used if it is the complement of a verb?

A complement is any direct object or indirect object of a verb. The appropriate pronoun used as the verb complement is an objective form pronoun, which are: me, us, him, her, and them; you and it are used as a subject or an object.

What is an objective complement in a sentince?

An objective complement is a noun or an adjective phrase that is used to further clarify some object in a sentence. It describes or renames. It is used to provide finishing information to either the direct object or the object of the preposition.