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On the front is a picture of Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe, and on the reverse is an off-shore oil rig.

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Q: What is on the five hundred naira note?
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How many pieces of e thousand naira note make a bundle?

Is one hundred pieces make a wrap while five wrap make a bundle

What type of money used?

the type of money used is naira.There is 5 naira,10 naira,20 naira,50 naira,100 naira,500 naira and 1000 naira note

What type of money is used?

the type of money used is naira.There is 5 naira,10 naira,20 naira,50 naira,100 naira,500 naira and 1000 naira note

What is the numeric value of three hundred and sixty thousand naira?

This is equal to 360,000 Naira.

How many times is 500 written in five hundred on an Indian five hundred note?


What is the value of a federal reserve note five hundred dollar bill?

five-hundred dollars

What is the value of Two Hundred Naira in America dollars?

200 Naira is 1.2457 US Dollars.

Does a five hundred dollar federal reserve note have anything on the back?

Yes, a five hundred dollar federal reserve note has stuff on the back.

How much is seven hundred and fifty naira dollars?

two-hundred dollars

How many dollars is equal to one hundred and fifty million naira?

1 US Dollar equals 174.85 Nigerian Naira while $857,878.18 = 150,000,000.00 Nigerian naira1 US Dollar equals 174.85 Nigerian Naira while $857,878.18 = 150,000,000.00 Nigerian naira

Does UK has five hundred pounds in legal tender in note?

No. The Bank of England first issued a Five Hundred Pound note somewhere between 1725 and 1745. The Five Hundred Pound note was last issued in 1943 and ceased to legal tender in 1945. The current highest denomination banknote issued by the Bank of England is the Fifty Pound note. They have no current plans to produce any higher denomination notes in the foreseeable future.

How many times written 500 in five hundred rupee Indian note?