A nickel (five cents). Now stop trying to cheat on your homework and learn math the real way.
one hundred twenty-one dollars and forty-nine cents
You spell it correctly like this: Forty-five.
Forty percent of one penny (.40 cents) is not spendable; $0.40 is forty cents, or forty pennies.
This would be forty cents because it is the same as: $0.40. Four cents would be: $0.04.
forty dimes is 40 cents
Forty-four thousand, twenty-seven cents.
forty cents has always been the same, but the value it has in fact has changed. four dimes, or eight nickels, etc., has always been forty cents, but now that gets you some gum, but a long time ago it was enough for a fancy dinner.
Forty and three tenths or forty dollars and thirty cents.
forty-seven cents.
The currency amount $45.00 is spelled "forty-five dollars" (and no cents).
Forty point zero eight or forty and eight hundredths or (in currency, for example) forty dollars and eight cents