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Q: What is one body segment?
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an arachnid with one body segment and very thin legs

The typical tick body consists of?

One segment

How many legs per body section do millipedes have?

Millipedes have two pairs of legs per body section, which means they have four legs on each segment of their body. This distinguishes them from centipedes, which have only one pair of legs per body segment.

What fast flat bodied carnivorous arthropod has one pair of legs per body segment?

It's two per segment

How many legs does a centipede have per segment?

A centipede has two legs per segment, one on each side. And they usually stick out to the side of the centipede. A milipede has 4 legs per segment, two on each side, and they are usually more under the body of the milipede.

What are the differences between a centipedes and millipedes?

Centipedes are fast-moving and are usually predators. They have one pair of legs on each body segment. Millipedes are slow-moving detritus eaters. They have two pairs of legs on each body segment.

Is caterpillar body divided into three segments?

A caterpillar's body is divided into three segments. The first segment is the head, the second segment is the thorax, and the third part of the body is the abdomen.

Is a segment one dimentional?

A line segment is one dimensional. It only has length.

Is the abdomen the largest body segment in a grasshopper?


What is a single-segment strategy?

The singe segment strategy involves the use of only one marketing mix for one market segment

What is a single segment strategy?

The singe segment strategy involves the use of only one marketing mix for one market segment

Can a segment have more then one bisector?

No, the definition of a bisector is the point at which a segment is divided into two equal halves. Of course, a segment may be divided further. However, there can be only one bisector of any one segment.