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Q: What is one example of how people stigmatize one other?
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People are able to speak to each without being face to faceThat way people can communicate without having to be with each other

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maize is one of the examples of monocot

How do you stop two people doing the same project?

If the two people are young, then pull straws or something. If they are older then split it in half. For example. If the project was on cheese then one person does it on cheddar, and the other does it on gouda.

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depends what people but one example is the Jews by the Romans

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There are many places where people can purchase Australian products. Other than shops in Australia, there are a few websites that offer Australian products. One great example would be the AussieProducts website. Another good example would be the EverythingAustralian website.

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One option is the phrase, "for example".

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Her diary?